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Celebrate Peter Brock's 85th B-Day with this Exclusive numbered/autographed model & photo

$ 79.95
Celebrate Peter Brock's 85th B-Day with this Exclusive numbered/autographed model & photo

Exclusive Limited Edition Numbered and Autographed Peter Brock 85th Birthday model by Greenlight with archive photo of historic speed run!

What better way to commemorate Peter Brock’s 85th birthday than a model of the BRE Datsun 510 #85 that he drag raced in 1973, setting a new production speed record that stood for years. Prior to Brock's 85th, we contacted Greenlight with this idea and they agreed it would be a great tribute. The model card has a photo of this historic run.  

We’re offering 85 limited edition, autographed and numbered (01/85, 02/85, etc) models WITH an archive photograph reprint of the original photo that captures this once in a lifetime moment. Both model and photograph are autographed by Peter Brock.

We're offering this at a lower-than-normal price so as many people as possible can join us in celebrating Peter's 85th birthday!  Don’t wait until Brock turns 86.