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*NEW* Limited Edition BRE Datsun 3-Slot Car Set Autographed and Numbered

$ 185
*NEW* Limited Edition BRE Datsun 3-Slot Car Set Autographed and Numbered

You may remember that great AutoWorld BRE Datsun Slot Car Set that came out last year at this same time. It contained the BRE #46 510 and BRE #46 240Z. Well this year they’re adding three more BRE slot cars. We are offering them as a limited edition, autographed set of 3: The BRE #85 Datsun 510, the BRE #3 Datsun 240Z and a BRE #46 Datsun 620 truck.

Each model set:

  • Autographed by BRE Team Owner/Manager Peter Brock on each individual model case
  • Has matching BRE hologram seals numbered 01/10 thru 10/10

*We only have 10 available so please order only one per person or address*


  • If you order more than 1: We reserve the right to cancel a person’s entire order (and/or multiple orders) if they order more than one (in one order or separate orders) 
  • If you're a flipper: We reserve the right to cancel anyone's order who we have determined is a "flipper".
  • If order is cancelled: If your order is cancelled we reserve the right to credit what was paid minus the transaction processing fees we incurred.
  • If shipping cost looks too high: Shipping costs are calculated by the shipping services system. If it looks off to you, you can contact us and we'll see if we can get a better quote manually.
  • Sold out? It's common that some orders get cancelled due to one of the reasons above. If the model is showing soldout, feel free to e-mail us and let us know you'd like to go onto the waiting list
Thanks for helping us get these into as many fans’ hands as possible!